The information you give us is for church use only.
Third Parties
We do not share data with third parties for marketing or promotion purposes. This would be a breach of your trust and of our standards of respect and excellence.
How to opt out
Text STOP to discontinue text messages at any time. Click Manage Subscriptions in the footer of emails. Update the Contact Preferences section in the Member App.
Financial solicitation
If you receive a request for financial assistance from a pastor, staff, or other church member that sounds fishy, it probably is. Scammers use all sorts of means to discover and manipulate social connections. Ignore it or call the church office. Always use established giving methods to give to the church.
Marketing to Church Members
Church members must not use the member directory to contact other church members for cold-call business solicitation.
The Purpose of Church Communication
Our church uses your information to protect, care for, disciple, and communicate with you and your family according to our purpose of "being and making disciples." Community is an important part of this process, so we provide a password protected directory to adult members to help foster personal relationships. You can opt out of this at anytime.
Still have a question?
Contact the church office.